I want to lose a bit of weight. Currently at about 178 I want to be at 165. That means I need to lose 13 lbs or so. How will I do this? Pray, eat better, work out. Sounds easy, let's see if I can figure this out.
I am writing this as I am on the Amtrak train heading back to California after a few days visiting family in Oklahoma. I had a great time just being there but there were two extra's that I hadn't expected. Most importantly I went to my daughters church on Sunday (two services) and again on Wednesday to a Bible study where we talked about how to counter the current culture. I was also blessed to have some really good spiritual discussions with my daughter and son-in-law. In these discussions I was made aware that I really need to pray about what I am going to do about ministering within my purpose. I have a lot to say about that but I will save it for another post, since this one is about eating.
So, what did I learn about eating. Not a lot that was new, but what I did learn is that it takes a lot of determination to eat well.
The problem for me has never been not knowing what not to eat and what I should eat. I have always been able to plan my eating, the problem is eating according to my plan! While in Oklahoma I was able to do three things: 1. Observe my daughters family struggle with the same problem. 2. Have good discussions about what it means to eat well. 3. Participate in some really good, clean meals.
I learned from watching Lisa and Stephen that all the knowledge and good intentions to 'do it right' are useless if we continue to yield to the temptations of foods that are essentially destructive. Things such as simple sugars, white flour products, carbohydrates devoid of any thing that is truly clean and healthy. I am not going to call them out, but I will tattle on myself. Apple pie (4 pcs), ice cream (two helpings), cookies (three), white flour hamburger bun, apple fritter, croissant - you get the idea, I am not here to beat myself up too much.
Stephen has undertaken a challenge with his brother to eat clean and lose weight. So we talked a lot about what it means to eat clean. We discovered that this was not really rocket science. Don't eat sugars and carbs that are essentially empty calories with detrimental effects on your body. That means no candy, cookies, cakes, pies etc. Try to eliminate as much gluten from your diet as possible, especially of the white flour variety. Don't drink soda pop, sugared or diet varieties,, simply not good for you. Don't fry foods in oil. You get the idea.
As far as do's - healthy fats, healthy oils, chicken, turkey, lean red meats, lots of vegetables, preferably roasted or steamed, whole grain bread products in moderation, a moderate amount of fruit (still has sugar). Drink water for the most part.
See what I mean, nothing earth shaking there, just common sense. Now, I have already admitted to some of my not so proud moments of poor food choices. However, Lisa fixed some really good meals. Here are some highlights. From the grill, two racks of beautiful pork ribs - which disappeared in one meal. And the kids ate very little of them - I'm just sayin', there were some great bone piles generated. From the oven, roasted brussel sprouts with onions and bacon, roasted asparagus, sweet potato chips. I can't wait to get home and try some of this stuff on my lovely Debbie.
Also from the grill she did boneless, skinless chicken thighs which we had for two different dinners plus a couple of lunches and a couple of snacks (for me!)
So, two days on the train. I brought some healthy snacks but my meals will be in the dining car where choices are limited. I will make the best of it and then start when I get home to see if I can make better choices, be healthier and maybe lose some weight in the process.
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