Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Running with God

Went for a nice, easy 4 mile run this morning in the cool spring temp of 50 deg. Running always leaves me feeling energized, but it also has the effect of drawing me closer to God. In my study of Romans 12 one of the things that Paul talks about is the importance of offering our body as a living sacrifice. Again in 1 Corinthians 6:19 Paul reminds us that our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  So I don't think it is unusual that my running, and even the other exercise programs that I do, make me feel as though I am engaging in spiritual worship while doing good things for my physical body. After all, worship is about making God smile and I think he is happy with my efforts, even though I may feel I could have done more.


  1. God and I do a lot of talking when I'm out there running. It is definitely a time of prayer and meditation of sorts for me!

  2. That's what I used to love about working out. It's just a time of me and the Lord. Always focuses me on Him, and helps me to draw closer to Him. I don't get to engage in that kind of exercise very often nowdays, but anytime I do - it is still an experience where I am drawing nearer to Him. It's not so much about the exercise, as it is the worship aspect of it...

  3. I completely agree! My running times are some of my best times with God!
